When I first started trading stocks on Wall Street, the number one criteria firms used in their hiring was something called “coach-ability”. If you were not coach-able, you were not getting a seat. These firms did not have the time or the patience to work with you unless you were going to listen and do the things you were told to do. There was nothing worse than some kid just coming out of school and acting like they knew more than you. In the stock trading world, it was a quick way to find yourself ejected from your seat and from the building.
The same thing applies to our business of training people to trade stocks. The only difference is that these people are now paying us for the knowledge. The problem is that since they are paying to teach them to trade stocks, they tend to feel they should have more say in the process. While that would be nice in a perfect world, it just doesn’t translate into the real world. So, in that vein, we thought we should lay out some of the “rules of the road” for getting the most out of the Bulls To Bears stock market training program. These are basically guidelines as to how to be a good student of the game. This blog is written with the intent of making you a better or even great stock trader. So here it goes.
The same thing applies to our business of training people to trade stocks. The only difference is that these people are now paying us for the knowledge. The problem is that since they are paying to teach them to trade stocks, they tend to feel they should have more say in the process. While that would be nice in a perfect world, it just doesn’t translate into the real world. So, in that vein, we thought we should lay out some of the “rules of the road” for getting the most out of the Bulls To Bears stock market training program. These are basically guidelines as to how to be a good student of the game. This blog is written with the intent of making you a better or even great stock trader. So here it goes.
- Check your ego at the door: the stock trading principles we teach are based on long term trial and error. We made the mistakes so you don’t have to. These principles are tried and true. Don’t try to reinvent the wheel. It is truly better to be successful than “right”.
- Prepare like your financial life depended on it: it probably does. We give you the tools but you need to do your preparation work. Remember we can’t trade the stocks for you. All your good intentions can go right out the window by not applying the basics as taught.
- Be honest: with both yourself and with those training you to trade. Most people are not honest with themselves. They lie to themselves and then believe it! When you make, a mistake, admit it to yourself and learn from it. Radical honesty is a prescription for success when trading stocks.
- Adopt a mindset of self-accountability: when you get a good recommendation and you mess up the stock trade you must take responsibility for it. You can’t blame others. You can’t blame circumstances. You can’t blame the weather. Only by taking full responsibility will you start to adopt the mind set of an elite stock trader.
- Keep it light and have fun: if you are trading stocks correctly, you should be using position size and limit the number of positions to be in line with your financial resources and your current stock trading abilities. If you find yourself totally stressed out, you are doing something wrong. At that point cut back and get your fear under control and give us a call.
Remember the old saying: And if you can’t keep your ego under control, it’s going to cost you a lot of money.
A recent study suggests that Men tend to achieve lower returns than women. It's not because the ladies are better at stock traders. Rather, women are better at NOT picking more stocks than men. They have less of an ego and trade less frequently when the market makes bigger swings. As a result, ladies trade less, are more patient, saving money along the way on investment fees and boosting their overall returns.
Your great advantage as an investor is that you can be boring and trade frugally; rising slowly with the overall market and not wasting money on costly trading that tends to under-perform the market.
Your great advantage as an investor is that you can be boring and trade frugally; rising slowly with the overall market and not wasting money on costly trading that tends to under-perform the market.
Even us GREAT stock pickers occasionally get it wrong and issue a loser a “dog with fleas”. No one gets it right 100 percent of the time trading stocks and options. The trick is to know when to cut the losses instead of wishing for a turn around that might never come.
The biggest mistake a beginner investor can make with our program is not following through when the going gets tough. Many times when things get a little crazy in the market, as soon as the market moves bearishly they begin to start trading solo again, on their own impulse, to buying or selling when they don't need to do either. They forget our proven program in place and they revert to trades based on fear trading. Fear of losing money.
Now your ego prompts you into wanting revenge, because your losing, as if there were someone that you could ‘hurt back’ and it will then make you feel all better. Oddly enough, this sadly hurts only you, and not to fun for your ego either! So DON’T let your ego play tricks on you into ignoring your better judgment and doing things you later regret.
Be Coachable! Remember we are the professionals. Our collective has been doing this for decades for others. Bulls To Bears trading program offers a straightforward, very sensible way to get your trading working the way you’d like. If you want to know more about how to pick winning stocks, I recommend that you subscribe here to our newsletter. Everything you need to learn to begin your trading journey starts there. Take the information seriously and focus on learning.
When you begin with us and trade our stocks, focus on learning and understanding trading not on winning or trying to fast track your way to profits. Whether you’re a current Bulls to Bears member or not? or considering joining? We welcome all your feedback. Send us your comments at service@bullstobears.com.
As we have mentioned before, our goal is not to have you make great stock trades, it is to help you become a great stock trader. Till next time, be smart and have fun! As always, happy trading!
The biggest mistake a beginner investor can make with our program is not following through when the going gets tough. Many times when things get a little crazy in the market, as soon as the market moves bearishly they begin to start trading solo again, on their own impulse, to buying or selling when they don't need to do either. They forget our proven program in place and they revert to trades based on fear trading. Fear of losing money.
Now your ego prompts you into wanting revenge, because your losing, as if there were someone that you could ‘hurt back’ and it will then make you feel all better. Oddly enough, this sadly hurts only you, and not to fun for your ego either! So DON’T let your ego play tricks on you into ignoring your better judgment and doing things you later regret.
Be Coachable! Remember we are the professionals. Our collective has been doing this for decades for others. Bulls To Bears trading program offers a straightforward, very sensible way to get your trading working the way you’d like. If you want to know more about how to pick winning stocks, I recommend that you subscribe here to our newsletter. Everything you need to learn to begin your trading journey starts there. Take the information seriously and focus on learning.
When you begin with us and trade our stocks, focus on learning and understanding trading not on winning or trying to fast track your way to profits. Whether you’re a current Bulls to Bears member or not? or considering joining? We welcome all your feedback. Send us your comments at service@bullstobears.com.
As we have mentioned before, our goal is not to have you make great stock trades, it is to help you become a great stock trader. Till next time, be smart and have fun! As always, happy trading!