Bulls To Bears: Good Traders Vs. Good Stock Pickers

As we have mentioned previously in this blog, trading stocks is a skill. It is not luck, or chance or some type of alchemy. If you learn the skills and practice them, you can be a good trader. What do we mean when we say Trader? We mean that you are someone who can consistently extract profits from the stock market.

To do this requires you to master two sets of skills. The first is the ability to trade the stocks. This skill is a combination of learning the rules of the game and then being able to follow the rules. It also involves learning the various tools that you have at your disposal to do this. This includes learning how to read charts, examine volume indicators and get a “feel” for the market action. 

The second set of skills you need are the ability to pick high probability stock plays. This skill involves more of the “heavy lifting” of trading. It involves continually monitoring multitudes of stocks. You must do your due diligence on these stocks and come up with solid reasons not only to buy them, but to buy them now. It also involves tracking the indexes that have an influence on the individual potential trades. In all, there is a tremendous amount of work that goes into being a good or even great stock picker

Here at Bulls to Bears we have a two-pronged approach to trading. We are going to try to use our blog and our newsletter to teach you how to be a good trader. It is free because the large amount of work including learning is incumbent upon you. Also, we know that if you do become a good trader, it makes our products more effective in your hands. It allows you to apply what we give you to make money for yourself and your family. 

The second part of our approach is our stock recommendation service. This you do have to pay for. Why? Because this is where we must do the heavy lifting. We must do the hundreds of hours of due diligence. We must track hundreds of stocks and indexes. We have the burden of finding the high probability situations so our clients can focus on what they need to do: learning to become good traders.

If you look closely at many highly successful stock traders, they all posses similar mindsets that separates them from the rest of the herd. Below we have listed a dozen unmistakable skills-sets that the most successful traders possess, that most people don't understand.  They tend to:

1. Keep Emotions in check. - good traders understand how their emotions can influence their trading performance. balance and temper thoughts and emotions.

2. Being confidence - change is all around us, not just in the markets; it’s always happening and there’s no controlling it. Good traders know that and are better at adapting to change, rather than resisting it

3. Mistakes, although uncomfortable - don’t punish yourself and others for them, good traders take responsibility for their every action in the markets and their focus on optimistic growth

4. Appreciate other people’s successes - Trading is a tough profession. Losses and drawdowns are challenging periods that cause many to break. Good traders never compare their own results with others. They don’t feel as though other people’s success somehow diminishes their own achievements. Losers think like that, and in return, losses and disappointments is what they keep reaping in their lives.

5. Sticking to the rules. - Good traders make decisions with relative ease because they understand their rules and what they are trading and looking for in the markets. They do not let other people’s opinions affect their judgment. They’ve learned to trust their own - essentially catching their own fish. 

6. Focus on sharpening your skills, rather than showing them off. - some people seek validation or recognition from other traders on Social Medias (especially twitter) for the trades they take, good traders are less concerned about gaining recognition. Instead, they’re intrinsically motivated to become better.

7. View trading losses as opportunities for growth. - Good traders don’t waste time feeling sorry for themselves, they make good traders grow better.

8. Practice delayed gratification. - great traders view their trading goals as a marathon, not a sprint. They’re willing to tolerate short-term pain when it can provide long-term gain.

9. Bounce back from failure - Good traders don’t view failure as the end of the road. Instead, they use potential failures as opportunities to refocus and gain new knowledge and adopt new behaviors that will increase their chances of success in the future.

10. Express gratitude - Rather than exclaim you need more, good traders take whatever the markets are offering them in the moment however small the gains are. If they followed their plan to the letter, then what should or could have been doesn’t matter.

11. Focus on what you can control - Good traders are effective in the markets for the mere reason that they devote their resources to that which they can control - and this does not include controlling the markets but their own behavior.

12. Be open to learning - Learning is a paramount and an important tool and an ongoing quest for great traders.

We stress that you don't just practice good trades, practice good trading skills! Bulls to Bears uses a developed hybrid approach of both technical and fundamental trading disciplines to come up with a majority of our stock picks. In doing so we have developed a tremendous track record. Our service is literally designed so you can earn, while you learn. Use our stocks picks to make money and at the same time you are practicing and learning the skills needed to becoming a great trader. Think of it as a work study program for Stock Trading.

If you didn’t recognize yourself in any of those 12 statements above, rest assured, you can develop these qualities in record time. For starters, I suggest getting our investment newsletter here.

In the end it will boil all down to one key quality and that is behavioral change and we can help you with that too!

Bulls To Bears: Being Coachable - Your Money or Your Ego?


When I first started trading stocks on Wall Street, the number one criteria firms used in their hiring was something called “coach-ability”. If you were not coachable, you were not getting a seat. These firms did not have the time or the patience to work with you unless you were going to listen and do the things you were told to do. There was nothing worse than some kid just coming out of school and acting like they knew more than you. In the stock trading world, it was a quick way to find yourself ejected from your seat and from the building.

same thing applies to our business of training people to trade stocks. The only difference is that these people are now paying us for the knowledge. The problem is that since they are paying to teach them to trade stocks, they tend to feel they should have more say in the process. While that would be nice in a perfect world, it just doesn’t translate into the real world. So, in that vein, we thought we should lay out some of the “rules of the road” for getting the most out of the Bulls To Bears stock market training program. These are basically guidelines as to how to be a good student of the game. This blog is written with the intent of making you a better or even great stock trader. So here it goes. 
  • Check your ego at the door: the stock trading principles we teach are based on long term trial and error. We made the mistakes so you don’t have to. These principles are tried and true. Don’t try to reinvent the wheel. It is truly better to be successful than “right”.
  • Prepare like your financial life depended on it: it probably does. We give you the tools but you need to do your preparation work. Remember we can’t trade the stocks for you. All your good intentions can go right out the window by not applying the basics as taught.
  • Be honest: with both yourself and with those training you to trade. Most people are not honest with themselves. They lie to themselves and then believe it! When you make, a mistake, admit it to yourself and learn from it. Radical honesty is a prescription for success when trading stocks.
  • Adopt a mindset of self-accountability: when you get a good recommendation and you mess up the stock trade you must take responsibility for it. You can’t blame others. You can’t blame circumstances. You can’t blame the weather. Only by taking full responsibility will you start to adopt the mind set of an elite stock trader.
  • Keep it light and have fun: if you are trading stocks correctly, you should be using position size and limit the number of positions to be in line with your financial resources and your current stock trading abilities. If you find yourself totally stressed out, you are doing something wrong. At that point cut back and get your fear under control and give us a call. 
Remember the old saying: And if you can’t keep your ego under control, it’s going to cost you a lot of money. 
A recent study suggests that Men tend to achieve lower returns than women. It's not because the ladies are better at stock traders. Rather, women are better at NOT picking more stocks than men. They have less of an ego and trade less frequently when the market makes bigger swings. As a result, ladies trade less, are more patient, saving money along the way on investment fees and boosting their overall returns.

Your great advantage as an investor is that you can be boring and trade frugally; rising slowly with the overall market and not wasting money on costly trading that tends to underperform the market.
Even us GREAT stock pickers occasionally get it wrong and issue a loser a “dog with fleas”. No one gets it right 100 percent of the time trading stocks and options. The trick is to know when to cut the losses instead of wishing for a turn around that might never come.

The biggest mistake a beginner investor can make with our program is not following through when the going gets tough. Many times when things get a little crazy in the market, as soon as the market moves bearishly they begin to start trading solo again, on their own impulse, to buying or selling when they don't need to do either. They forget our proven program in place and they revert to trades based on fear trading. Fear of losing money.

your ego prompts you into wanting revenge, because your losing, as if there were someone that you could ‘hurt back’ and it will then make you feel all better. Oddly enough, this sadly hurts only you, and not to fun for your ego either! So DON’T let your ego play tricks on you into ignoring your better judgment and doing things you later regret.

Be Coachable! Remember we are the professionals. Our collective has been doing this for decades for others. Bulls To Bears trading program offers a straightforward, very sensible way to get your trading working the way you’d like.
If you want to know more about how to pick winning stocks, I recommend that you subscribe
here to our newsletter. Everything you need to learn to begin your trading journey starts there. Take the information seriously and focus on learning.

When you begin with us and trade our stocks, focus on learning and understanding trading not on winning or trying to fast track your way to profits.
Whether you’re a current Bulls to Bears member or not? or considering joining? We welcome all your feedback. Send us your comments at service@bullstobears.com.

As we have mentioned before, our goal is not to have you make great stock trades, it is to help you become a great stock trader. Till next time, be smart and have fun! As
always, happy trading!

Bulls To Bears: Rules Every Trader Should Follow To Survive The Long Haul.

If you want to be successful in stock trading and investing in general, you need to understand the importance of and adhere to a set of rules that have guided all types of traders, with different trading account sizes. Every rule alone is an important one, but when you use them all together the effects are life changing.
Trading with these rules can greatly increase the odds of making money in the stock market. Very successful traders have a carefully thought out trading system with specific rules to maximize their odds of success. If you're interested in becoming an active trader, BullsToBears.com's Trading Program will teach you everything you need to know to get started. You'll learn the basics and how to develop a trading plan that aligns with your risk and financial goals.

Think of it as a continuing education - traders need to remain focused on learning more each and every day. It is important to understanding the markets, and all of their intricacies, is an continuous lifelong process.
Great research allows traders to learn the facts, like what the different economic reports mean. Focus and observations allow investors to gain instinct and learn the nuances. This fundamentally helps traders understand how economic data affect the markets movements. Politics, world events, economies, tragedy - including the weather - all have an dramatic impact on the stock market. The market environment is dynamic.
The more traders understand the past and current markets, the better prepared they will be to face the future. An ineffective trading plan yields greater losses than expected in historical testing. Markets may have changed, volatility within a certain trading instrument may have lessened, or the trading plan simply is not performing as well as anticipated. It might be the time to reevaluate your trading plan and make a few adjustments, or to start over with a new trading plan.

An unsuccessful trading plan is a serious problem that needs to be addressed. It should not necessarily be the end of your online trading dreams.
Here we have outline 10 rules every trader should follow to survive the long haul. These are everyday Rules That Work! To be successful, traders need lots of encouragement, support, and practice in applying these habits, these rules to a wide variety of trading situations.

Simply apply and adapt these 10 simple rules and you will make more money trading!

 1)  Be flexible and go with the flow of the markets price action, stubbornness, egos, and emotions are the worst indicators for entries and exits.
 2)  Understand that the trader only chooses their entries, exits, position size, and risk and the market chooses whether they are profitable or not.
 3)  You must have a trading plan before you start to trade, that has to be your anchor in decision making.
 4)  You have to let go of wanting to always be right about your trade and exchange it for wanting to make money. The first step of making money is to cut loses short the   moment it is confirmed that you are wrong.
 5)  Never trade position sizes so big that your emotions take over from your trading plan.
 6)  “If it feels wrong, don’t do it.”
 7)  Trade your biggest position sizes during winning streaks and your smallest position sizes during losing streaks. Not too big and trade your smallest when in a losing streak.
 8)  Do not worry about losing money that can be made back worry about losing your trading discipline.
 9)  A losing trade costs you money but letting a big losing trade get too far out of hand can cause you to lose your nerve. Cut losses for the sake of your nerves as much as for the sake of capital preservation.
10) A trader can only go on to success after they have faith in themselves as a trader, their trading system  as a winner, and know that they will stay disciplined in their trading journey.

As always were here to help you become a better trader not only help in placing great trades. If you need help with your trades just contact Bulls to Bears today and get your investment plans back on track.

Remember to sign up for more exclusive trading tips, tricks and secrets by joining our FREE newsletter here

Bulls To Bears: Trading Exercises Control Your Brain.

One of our main goals at Bulls to Bears is to get our members to be a great traders, not just teaching them how to make great trades.
Trading is a skill to be learned. The only way a skill can be learned is by doing, not just learning. So whether you are day trading, swing trading or long term buy and hold trading, you must get as much real world experience as you can to become good. "Learning is an active process. We learn by doing. Only knowledge that is used sticks in your mind" - Dale Carnegie 
All traders should have a good trading habits. One of the worst habits a trader can have is trading on impulse without direction. Traders who make trading plans are more likely to succeed, but even with a good plan in place you have to develop good trading habits.
Human nature, is human nature and people make impulsive trades even with their outlined plan taped to their forehead. They exit winning trades too quickly or let losses go longer than their plan states they should. In order to break bad trading habits, traders need to base success or failure on each trade by how they stick to their trading plans. Not simply on whether they make or lose money. 
That being the case we like to have our students get into the flow and feel of the market. 

We do this by asking some of them to do exercises which allows them to feel the market. These trading exercises force you to focus on the market auction process, order handling and other core market components that will enhance your trading skills.

The objective of this assignment is to motivate student interest in financial markets
Complete these exercises when possible.

You will learn a significant amount of practical trading information for the market when you complete these stock trading exercises.
Start exercising your trader brain and put it to good use! 
Here is how it goes:
1. Pick a stock you are going to track every day.
2. Pick a stock index that relates to that stock.
3. Identify the stocks industry group and what other stocks are in it.
Your job is to follow the stock for the next week. We want you to make observations about how the stock acts.
Specifically answer the following questions:
1. When the S&P Index is down, what is the stock doing?
2. If the index has a heavy volume day, how is the volume of the stock?
3. When the stock is up or down significantly, what are the other stocks of the groups sector doing?
The goal here is to get a feel for the stock. If you partake in this exercise, We ask that you email us your observations so we can comment and give you pointers. Send your emails to service@bullstobears.com.
If you continue to do this on a long term basis you will start to get a much better feel for the market. You can then pick target stocks and groups and learn to get into the “feel” of the stock market  much faster.
Understanding the ebb and flow of a stock compared to the market will make your path to becoming a profitable trader and a much smoother one. Don't forget to Sign up here for BullsToBears.com's free newsletter today for more trading tips!

Bulls To Bears: The Bull Market? You Didn’t Miss The Boat!

It has now been 15 months since Donald Trump became president. We knew better yet, contrary to what most “experts” believed, as soon as he took office, the stock market exploded. The upward movement was, without debate, record setting. Every American with a 401K applauded and everyone was happy! Or were they? Professional Stock traders like us have a bit of a different view. With an extremely fast one sided move higher, it was still difficult for investors to have made significant amounts of money. Why? Most traders tend to do better in volatile choppy markets, with swings up and down, just like the one we are in now. So, If you feel like the road to becoming a successful trader is like a roller coaster ride of ups and downs you're not alone. 

If you have been following the market as of late (we are referencing to the Dow Industrials for an understandable point of reference) you will have noticed that volatility has been re-introduced into the market. The current swings are considered by some to be “big” although you should consider that the Dow in much higher than it was just 12- 18 months ago and "percentage wise" these swings are not as big as they may appear. Any great trader will tell you, these big swings up and down are your greatest friend and not your enemy.

We say this realizing though that if you manage to be on the wrong side of one of these big down swings, it could be a bad situation for you monetarily. This is where being a student of the stock market is extremely important. You must get into the movement of the market much like a hitter in baseball. A great hitter  studies the pitcher he is facing. Not just when he’s up, but with every batter that steps to the plate. A great hitter starts to time the pitcher, he starts to feel the rhythm of the pitcher. He notices the pitch selection. He notices what the pitcher usually does on a 3-2 count. He notices if the pitcher is throwing first pitch for strikes or testing the batters with balls on the first pitch. The best hitters in baseball history are those who not only hold the all-time hitting records, but changed the game as we know it. They are uncoincidentially among the greatest baseball players of all time.

Not just being in the market but understanding it are parallel. By continually keeping your pulse on the market you begin to identify the ebb and flow and eventually making money through trading becomes easier and more predictable. When that happens and you have swings like we are seeing NOW in the current market, you can make large amounts of money. Your job is to see the market as a great hitter does! Don’t only look at your trades. Do some paper trading. Look at various sectors to see how they are acting in different market conditions. Look at other types of sector securities and see what they are doing. What is gold doing while the market is having a down trend? What are the bonds yields telling you by what they are doing?

If you truly become a student of the market, the opportunities for you to make money will jump right out at you. If you don’t, trading will remain like gambling. Gambling is not a long-term wealth strategy. Remember you don’t just want to make great trades, your main goal is to become a great trader.  

Being a great trader is about developing certain mental qualities. It is the process of constantly pushing yourself to grow stronger and better. A profitable trader is not necessarily a good trader. Likewise, a good trader is also not necessarily a profitable one, yet a good trader ultimately finds himself with a much higher probability of being profitable and finding success in the long run. 

In conclusion - we are still in a bull market! Just more choppy and much better for traders. So if you want to learn how to become a 300 hitter with stock trading and not someone who just wants to hit 300 once? Start with our FREE newsletter and we will provide you with our perspective, inspiration, and appreciation for our game which is the stock market. 

We are more than happy to provide you with tips on how to be a better hitter when stock trading when your up at the plate. Learn the trade. Be the change!  Sign up here for our free newsletter today!

Bulls To Bears: Welcome to Our Revamped Investment Blog

Calling all Investors!
Welcome to BullstoBears.com's new and improved investment blog. It’s an exciting time here at Bulls to Bears. We are in the process of creating a wealth of new resources and an array of tools to help our newsletter subscribers and members take advantage of this historic time in the stock market.

Our blog has been re-designed for both new and experienced active traders alike who are looking for stock picks, stock ideas,  stock and options trading how to's  and overall stock market education with 100 years of combined trading expertise.
When we started our 1st newsletter back in the day, 2003, our prospects began subscribing to it immediately.  It was printed on paper and mailed  out through the United States postal service. At first they subscribed to Bulls To Bears to get a few good stock tips.  As they learned to trade and as time went on they used  our methods and services we taught to produce winning trades. Then they  joined our cutting edge advisory service as a paid member.  They quickly began to find weekly stock situations which they acted upon that enabled them to trade like a pro with a higher rate of return. They began to rely upon Bulls To Bears to get up-to-the-minute analysis of the news that was shaping markets and the financial topics that affected the stock market's movements.

We are excited today to be re-launching our investment blog and have the opportunity to share our stock market trading successes and insights with you!
Upcoming installments of our blog will include: 
·         Trading account basics
·         Accounting issues and taxes
·         How to use margin
·         Understanding charts
·         Understanding Chart Patterns
·         Understanding technical indicators
·         Basics of Fundamental Stock analysis
·         Trading on news events
·         When to use stop losses
Investors today have a huge number of resources to gather information. So much so that it sometimes becomes overwhelming and frustrating. Bulls to Bears plans to be a filter to eliminate the noise and allow you to focus on being the best, most effective investor you can be.
We look forward to providing you direct access to our investment team's latest thoughts and perspectives on the stock market arena and the global economy.
If you haven’t done so already, make sure you sign up for our free mailing list to make sure you get notified each time we update our blog with important information.
We welcome you to be a part of a friendly community of traders who all strive towards the same goal – to become consistently profitable.
You will also get lots of other free stuff by being a subscriber to our mailing list. We look forward to being on your team. Exciting things are coming. As always, Happy Trading!

Bulls To Bears: Precious Metals Stocks Red Hot As Expected

In our previous Blog we posted on March 31st 2016, Bulls To Bears: Dredging the Bottom for Precious Metal Stocks, we tried to warn everyone that there would be a breakout in Precious Metals Stocks.

Since that time, Silver, Copper, Gold, Platinum and others have moved to the up side to their highest levels in over a year, and their set for its greatest month since 2013, in the midst of the dollar slumping.

As Gold surpassed a one-year high most precious metals stocks trended higher as the dollar touched a 11-month low after reports of weaker-than-anticipated U.S. financial developments. The huge victor in the sum of it all has been gold, silver and metal stocks, which are getting a major lift as it turns out to be crystal clear the Federal Reserve's choice to bring rates up in December was another slip-up.

Silver's has 16% surge this month as well as silver imports climbed 39% in March, bouncing back from the lowest levels since 2014. Gold has a very pleasant tailwind up right now with the dollar frail and markets wavering and somewhat drawing back. The Bank of Japan on Thursday sent shock-waves through financial markets after it unexpectedly kept monetary policy tight. Many investors had expected the central bank to announce more easing measures in an attempt to help inflation. That has not happened.
So, it would make sense that these precious metals sector has been and will remain among the top performing sectors right now. Mostly because its seen as a of place of refuge. The principle question for metals speculators now is whether this rally still has legs, or not? and/or more room to run?. For now some Traders continue bidding up metals and related mining stocks!

Bulls To Bears investors have enjoyed the ride up so far and believe me another BIG move in a different sector is right around the corner.  What will be next big move be? and will you be ready in time? So if you are waiting for the perfect time to seize an opportunity, the time is now!  Visit BullsToBears.com and stay ahead of the curve!
Contact BullsToBears.com today! I urge you to start our 14 day FREE trial…so your adventures can begin with our very next stock pick.
In other metals, platinum for July PLN6, +2.65%  climbed $27.60, or 2.6% to $1,078.30 an ounce, trading about 10% higher for the month. Palladium for June PAM6, +1.07%  rose $7.95, or 1.3%, to $632.30 and ounce, up about 12% for the month. Copper for July HGN6, +2.31%  added 5.6 cents, or 2.5%, to $2.289 a pound, trading more than 4% higher for the month.

Bulls To Bears: Dredging the Bottom for Precious Metal Stocks

The long haul silver to gold proportion is indicating a decent pointer of recent bottoms in metal socks. That proportion was as of late astoundingly low and gives off an impression of a trend beginning. In short: Expect higher silver costs.

In the past, whether you look back in 1913, 1971, or the year 2000, silver costs, all things considered, are tied into the US national debt obligation. As of late silver costs were dreadfully low contrasted with that obligation. We know the national obligation is exponentially expanding and hence we ought to anticipate that silver costs will significantly increment from here to "make up for lost time" with this looming and drastically expanding debt obligation.

Silver stocks – even now – are low, oversold, and moving higher. They have as of late broken an essential downtrend resistance line. What Happens Next? What Does BullsToBears.com think is happening right now? There can be little uncertainty that The Banks are getting ready to increase the paper costs of gold and silver.

We as a whole realize that transient costs for paper silver are effortlessly pushed by speculators and major players. The recent (past 6 months) bear showcase (and We're calling it one) has added to an instance of interior disintegration. Now, Precious Metal Stocks are breaking apart one by one as we witnessed big moves higher as of late. Bear markets are slippery monsters and they get a kick out of the chance to do their harm as subtly and as unpretentiously as could be expected under the circumstances. I would rather not say it, however some place ahead the bears are going to get together and the pure little stream is going to transform into a waterfall sending the market lower yet the metals sector higher.
How can you benefit from this anticipate move in Metals?  Ensure yourself with a BullsToBears.com membership and by staying in unadulterated riches, like gold, silver, copper, steel and others. For a large number of years, silver and gold have dealt investors with unadulterated riches. It's time to buy again. One stock tip on our radar today is ArcelorMittal (NYSE:MT) trading at just $4.61.

There is always the possibility of war, although we are not yet really participating in one yet. Everyday we are reminded by that and what we are witnessing by terror groups causing worldwide chaos. It is only a matter of time that something will array or a crisis will strike that will propel gold and silver much higher - as fears spread demand grows.

BullsToBears.com's trading strategy is demonstrating a buy signal in silver and gold, copper and steel, showing that a huge long haul base is either as of now setting up or will be concluded throughout the following few months over the sector. Regardless of whether we see an increase to the degree of a couple of dollars for every ounce, the rising up trend will spark a rally and speak to a long haul players that a sign of an increase in precious metals is clear! Just like the one that happened in November 2008, which saw silver ascent more than 400% inside 3 years.

Don't continue to trade the wrong side of the market. Don't wait for social proof from the media you will be to late to the party -once  again! Contact a Bulls to Bears trade advisors now for more info on which precious metal/metal  stocks you should be buying today!

Bulls To Bears: Calling All Investors: The Silent Bull Market

Being a top stock market advisory service, Bulls to Bears works with many small to mid size investors. These investors trade their own accounts via low cost brokerages like E*Trade, Scottrade or similar. Some are investors that were tired of being “churned” to death by stockbrokers who knew nothing more than they did when it comes to picking stocks. These investors had a good plan to go at it alone, but they never expected to experience a market like they did in 2008. All ships ride high tides and the average retail investor took quite a hit on the ride down. This experience made investors very leery of the stock market. The problem is that this fear is now keeping most online investors locked in to the mentality that it is almost impossible to make money trading the stock market. This is called the “herd mentality” and those who fall into this psychological misfortune tend to keep get hurt over and over because they’re sitting on the sidelines at the wrong time. They sell when they need to be buying and buy when they need to be selling.

There is tangible evidence that this is exactly what’s occurring right now. The fact is that while the market has climbed from 6,626 to 13,000 in three years; most retail investors have continued to sit on the sidelines. We are calling this the silent bull market, it is plain as day but, the retail investor is just not seeing it. This paper explores the phenomena and simply explains how to get you on the correct side of trading today's stock market.

Where We Are

During the week of March 2, 2009 the Dow Jones industrial average hit 6,626 and marked the end of a precipitous drop that some say was even worse that the 1929 market crash. As we write this paper the Dow is now flirting with 13,000 and even crossed it last week. According to a firm by the name of Strategic Insight, the US Stock and Bond Mutual Fund net inflows will reach $80B in 2011. This is an estimated drop of 67% over 2010.

Mutual fund investments are a good indicator of what the average investor is doing. Their participation via 401k’s and other retirement vehicles gives us a good indicator of what the small money is doing now. So based on this report, the small money is moving out of equities when the big money is gobbling up all they can. When that same money that had left starts to flow back in, the big money players will be selling stocks at huge gains and the small money will be buying at the top again. The cycle continues!

The Herd Mentality

Financial professionals refer to what we are talking about here as the herd mentality. This term comes from a small rodent “the lemming” that will blindly unknowingly follow his fellow herd members right off a cliff to their death. There is an uncanny psychological phenomenon that explains this and it is called social proof. Most people do not make decisions in a vacuum. Prior to making a decision, they always reach out in some way to see if other people support the decision they are about to make. In the stock market this means that the individual investor is going to reach out to his constituency base to see if they are back in the market. When they see all their friends are afraid and are not trading, they won’t either. It is a self-fulfilling prophecy and they will never make significant amounts of money trading stocks. They just will never get it. However, the successful investor conditions himself to think just the opposite. Like what Warren Buffet tries to explain over and over, ”Be fearful when others are greedy and be greedy when others are fearful.” He wants to buy low and sell high. The problem is when it’s low it looks dangerous. This is when professional traders stick to their training and buy & earn profits. The average retail investor absolutely must find a way to change his or her view.

The Solution: Bulls to Bears

If the average retail investor had a broker that they could truly trust; one that they absolutely knew had their best interest at heart, they would drop their discount broker in a heart-beat. Why? Because as we mentioned, people need social proof when making decisions. They would reach out to their broker, but only if they know they can trust them. For the most part many can’t tell if their broker is recommending a stock in their best interest or because he is looking to earn a commission. Many of the retailer investors are sitting on the sideline because they have no financial professional to hold their hand and give them the confidence needed to be in the market during these turbulent times.

BullsToBears.com has solved this problem for every retail investor. We are a completely neutral third party advisory service. We don’t get paid every time you make a trade. We get paid for brining you winning trades. The better our track record the more customers we get. That is how we make money. We provide the social proof that smaller investors need to have confidence to trade any market.


Don’t continue to trade the wrong way or on the wrong side of this market. Trade like the professional traders do and move forward now. If you wait until you get your social proof from the media or your friends, you will be way too late to the party. Contact Bulls to Bears today and get your investment plans back on track.

Bulls To Bears: Wall Street is stuck in a highly volatile range

Wall Street is stuck in a highly volatile range as investors hoping for a rally into the end of the year are browbeaten by Europe's unfolding crisis. For months, investors have been enthusing about valuations, earnings and, more recently, signs of an improving economy. Those may be good reasons why stocks should rally, but even the most ardent are starting to sound a bit glum. The political intrigue in southern Europe has flummoxed investors stateside. Papademos has replaced Papandreou. Berlusconi is, well, gone -- leaving the presidential palace on Saturday secretly through a side door after his resignation as prime minister while crowds shouted "clown, clown" among other insults and threw coins at his limousine. When word of his departure spread, people danced in the streets and drank Champagne. The headlines and the subsequent volatility seem relentless. Early last week, there were worries about a potential Italian default, and now we've seen government and regime change in two of the periphery nations. Italy's Senate approved a new budget law, clearing the way for approval of the package in the lower house on Saturday and the formation of an emergency government to replace that of Silvio Berlusconi. Papademos was sworn in as Greek prime minister, replacing predecessor Papandreou after days of political wrangling. He is tasked with meeting the terms of a bailout plan to avert bankruptcy. But with worries that the crisis could spread to other countries, investors are looking for either the European Central Bank or EU governments to commit more capital in order to backstop sovereign bond markets. For the markets to continue to rally, we would need to see market confidence that Italian, Spanish and French bonds are money good, There is likely to be more volatility around the sovereign debt crisis until we get more capital committed to the solution.